
Safeguarding Resources

our duty of care

Safeguarding Resources

Clubs have a duty of care not only to the children and young people in their club but also to the coaches, volunteers and officials working within the club. By adhering to the policies and procedures set by Scottish Golf and adopting best practice, the risk of harm should be reduced and allow all those participating in golf to enjoy a safe, fun and positive experience.

The Safeguarding Resource for Clubs toolkit which can be downloaded below provides a full range of template policies, procedures and guidance for use within a club or golfing organisation.


Safeguarding Resource for Clubs Toolkit

Updated PVG Process – The PVG process is now online. Safeguarding Officers will send an online applicant request form to Scottish Golf for any applicants requiring a PVG check. The applicant will then be e-mailed a link from Disclosure Scotland to complete their application via an online portal. Details on the full process can be found here


The templates below are a good starting point and should be adapted to suit your organisation.  When developing Safeguarding Policies and Procedures (and their implementation) it is important to remember that your organisation has overall accountability for these.

Resource Documents

Guidance for Online PVG Process

Online Application Request Form

PVG Frequently Asked Questions

Flowchart – What Form Do I Need?

PVG Scheme ID Help

Verifying the Safeguarding Officer

Safeguarding Officer - Role Descriptor

Role Descriptors

Secondary Organisation Contract with Volunteer Scotland

TEMPLATE Safeguarding Policy

TEMPLATE Consent Form

TEMPLATE Code of Conduct for Coaches & Volunteers

TEMPLATE Code of Conduct for Juniors

TEMPLATE Code of Conduct for Parents & Carers

TEMPLATE Responding to Concerns Procedure