
Roving Pro Fund

Delivering quality coaching

What is the Roving Pro Fund?

Scottish Golf continues to invest in a Roving Pro fund to support clubs that do not have access to a PGA Professional. The role of the Roving Pro is to tailor support through analysis of current provision and develop an action plan, ensuring key development areas are achieved within club coaching programmes.


Scottish Golf’s commitment to the Roving Pro fund enables clubs to establish and deliver  comprehensive, self-sustaining coaching programmes. By following the Scottish Golf Roving Pro Framework, clubs will work with their PGA Professional to establish an ongoing working relationship.   


Funding will enable clubs to fund a qualified PGA Professional to improve the quality of coaching on offer, with mentoring and support for the club coaching structure.


The Roving Pro can also offer additional Pro services to the wider club membership. 

Improving the quality of training to junior and adult beginners

How much can a Club apply for?

The Roving Pro Fund will enable clubs to apply for a maximum of £600, which can be used to deliver up to 20 hours of PGA Professional coaching. Additional funding is also available for clubs identified in more remote and rural areas of the country, to cover travel and/or accommodation costs of their Pro.


Clubs can apply for Roving Pro funding a maximum of 3 times within a 3 year period.

Clubs that successfully applied for Roving Pro funding in 2022 can apply for year 3 of their Roving Pro funding allocation in 2023.

Benefits of Roving Pro

Provide quality coaching from a PGA Professional for clubs who may not otherwise have the opportunity to employ a Pro.

The Roving Pro can support to deliver co-ordinated, structured coaching programme for junior and adult beginners while upskilling and mentoring club volunteers.

Develop an ongoing relationship with a PGA professional who could then be used for other coaching activity at your club, the fund is flexible to the needs of the club.

Maximise the opportunity creating a self-sustaining thriving coaching environment where learning is the forefront.

Potential to increase recruitment and retention of members.

Benefits of Roving Pro

The Application Process

Step 1                                                                                                          

Apply: By logging in to your Club Account.


Step 2
Deliver:  Once your application is approved, we will give you details of authorised PGA Professionals to contact and agree coaching delivery schedules.

Step 3
Submit: Once your Roving Pro delivery has concluded, complete the evaluation form and submit with accompanying invoices and registers.

Step 4

Continue with club delivery following Roving Pro programme visits.

For further support please contact

Login to your club account to apply for funding. 

Become a Roving Pro

If you are a PGA Professional and would like to be considered as a Roving Pro, please download the coach criteria form for further information and apply here

Roving Pro Fund – Coach Criteria