Learn to Golf
Terms and Conditions
By registering for Learn to Golf, the Golf Club agrees to the following terms and conditions:
1. Declaration
1.1 The person completing programme registration has been authorised by the Club Management Committee/Council/Board to submit the registration online on their behalf.
2. Eligibility
2.1 The Golf Club must be affiliated to Scottish Golf Ltd and have paid their 2023/24 affiliation fees or are up to date on an agreed payment plan at time of application.
2.2 The Golf Club must achieve SafeGolf accreditation by 31 August 2024. Failure to do so, may result in your club being withdrawn from the Junior Flag Championship and being ineligible for 2024 Regional and National Finals. Subsequent applications for programmes in 2025 may not be accepted until such time as it is achieved.
2.3 By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions the Club confirms that they are aware that Parental consent is required for all entrants and that permissions are also sought for any photography/images.
3. Coach Delivery
3.1 The Golf Club must have identified a lead coach at the point of registration for Learn to Golf. The lead coach must hold a recognised coaching qualification (Community Golf Instructor/ASQ Level 1) or have attended a Scottish Golf Activator course.
3.2 Learn to Golf sessions must be delivered in line with the PGA recommendation of 8 junior participants to 1 adult coach/volunteer. All Coaches/volunteers must hold a PVG valid within the last 3 years.
3.3 All coaches must have attended a sportscotland authorised Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport Training (CWPS)
3.4 All coaches are encouraged to successfully follow, and critique players based on the learning outcomes for each level to ensure the fundamentals are embedded throughout the programme.
3.4 All Learn to Golf sessions must have relevant risk assessments in place prior to content delivery. Learn to Golf Clubs are encouraged to make use of the risk assessments available within the Learn to Golf resource centre.
4. Reporting
4.1 All clubs must report data through the manage players function within the Learn to Golf section of the National Junior Framework to enable Scottish Golf to effectively monitor the programme.
4.2 Additionally all Learn to Golf clubs are required to submit player data relating to the current level your players have successfully achieved.
4.3 Failure to submit data will result in your club’s Learn to Golf access being revoked and being ineligible for events related to the programme.
4.4 Please refer to our Privacy Policy for full details for how we use your data here.
5. Disclaimer/Consent
5.1 Scottish Golf cannot be held responsible for any personal injury, loss of or damage to, equipment or personal possessions at any Learn to Golf session/event.
6. Acceptance Deadline
6.1 All clubs must return Learn to Golf Terms & Conditions before access to the programme is approved on the National Junior Framework.